Enterprise Account Solutions

Evolve Recycling understands that you may work for a company with multiple buildings on your campus, several locations within your city, or even nationwide. In order to create a streamlined and efficient recycling program that meets your needs, we have created unique solutions designed specifically for enterprise customers.

Master Account Functionality

There is one Master Account for every company. The first person who signs up for an Enterprise Account owns the Master Account. A Master Account enables you to:

  • Manage the recycling program for your entire company, including ordering supplies, receiving payment, and viewing shipments
  • Create a list of locations to better keep track of who is sending in what recyclables from what location nationwide.
  • Decide to share the managerial duties and create user accounts for people at one or more of those locations. Users are then able to manage the locations assigned to them by the master account holder.
  • See activity for all of your company’s locations and user accounts.

As a master account holder, you can create user accounts so users can manage the recycling at all the locations you assign to them. Much like you, they will have an online account where they can access all the tools they need to promote, recycle, and ship from their location. You can have an unlimited number of user accounts.

If you'd rather manage all of your company's recycling yourself, we suggest you add multiple locations to your account. They will not receive an online account. You will order supplies for them and keep track of their recycling efforts from your master account.

You are not required to create user accounts or add locations to your master account. If at any time you choose to reorganize your recycling program, you can either return to this page or call customer service (1.855.933.8658) to answer any additional questions you might have about these enterprise solutions.